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Lois Cohen

B.S. Degree, University of Rochester (NY). M. Ed., College of New Jersey.

    My career as an innovative educator spans more than 40 years, working with both children and adults. As a classroom teacher I have taught grades 1-8 in public schools and Hebrew Day Schools in NY, PA, and NJ, with specialties in Social Studies and Gifted Education. I retired from teaching in 1998 and moved to Florida in 2000, and soon discovered that that I missed teaching. During the next few years I embarked on "Part II" of my teaching career: researching, creating and presenting stimulating, interactive programs for adult audiences.

    My programs for adults focus on America's exciting history and its intriguing Jewish history. I thoroughly enjoy the research and writing and presenting my programs to adult audiences in South Florida throughout the year. For many summers I enjoyed presenting my programs to audiences at Elderhostel and adult vacation centers in the Berkshires, the Catskills and the Poconos. My audiences are fully involved in the programs and enjoy participating. My programs are always well-received. Creating and presenting these programs is my "un-retirement" and I am loving it!

    From 2002-2006 I enjoyed being a volunteer teacher at the Donna Klein Jewish Academy in Boca Raton, FL, where I had the pleasure of conducting news discussions with students in grades K-5. I felt the news was a stimulating and meaningful way to bring the world into the classroom, something I had done for years as a social studies teacher. I brought folders full of newspaper articles that were interesting and age-appropriate for our discussions. In March 2004 I was honored with the Donna Klein Volunteer of the Year Award.

    From 1986 – the present, I have been a Contributing Writer to Junior Scholastic Magazine, a social studies publication for middle school students. I author an annual geography skills manual to accompany the World Affairs issue of Junior Scholastic, which is used by teachers throughout the United States.

    Hadassah has been an important part of my life for 40 years, in both New Jersey and Florida. I am a Life Member of Hadassah and a founding member of the Golda Leah Chapter of Hadassah at Valencia Falls, Delray Beach, FL. From our chapter's founding in 2002 - the spring of 2008, I served as Vice-President of Education and Chair of our award-winning Study Group Forum. In 2006 our Golda Leah Study Group Forum received the First Place Award, nationally, in Hadassah's Hannah L. Goldberg Study Group Competition and Second Place Award in both 2007 and 2008. I received Hadassah's National Leadership Award in 2004 and my chapter's Woman of Valor Award in 2005. I am an active member of both the Spring Conference Committee and the Education Committee, Florida Atlantic Region of Hadassah, and have presented programs for both Spring Conference and Education Day.

    My teaching honors include: recipient of the Teacher of the Year Award twice in both the East Windsor Regional School District, East Windsor, NJ and Mercer County, NJ, and a finalist in the NJ State Teacher of the Year competition. I also received the "A+ for Teachers Award" from the New Jersey School Boards Association for creating "The Brown Bag Forum," an innovative lunchtime learning program for elementary and middle school students in the East Windsor Schools. I coordinated this award-winning program in the schools for twelve years.

    I wear the title of TEACHER with great pride. Education has been, and continues to be, an exciting, creative, challenging and satisfying career for me. I love the opportunity to work with both adults and children.

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